Perfect fire evacuation diagrams drawing software with rich examples and template. Edraw is ideal for graphics designers and developers who need to draw fire evacuation diagrams. A versatile cross-platform mind mapping tool. Emergency evacuation plan is a written document which draws out the best, safest and fastest way of escape for persons in any premises in case of emergency. It covers both imminent or ongoing threat or hazard which could endanger lives of the occupants of the affected building.

Headcount is the evacuation app that helps you account for everyone quickly.

10,000+ people already use Headcount to significantly improve their emergency response time and protect their organizaiton.

  • OSHA Requirement 1910.38(c)(4): 'Procedures to account for all employees after evacuation;'
  • OSHA Recommendation: 'Take a head count after the evacuation'

Case Study

EHS Manager, Global

Derrick reduced his drill time from 17 minutes to 6 minutes, while also improving accuracy.

'If you need a turn-key evacuation platform, then Headcount is definitely the best solution.

The functionality you get in the palm of your hand rather than going to a clipboard is irreplaceable.

The end user experience is hugely beneficial. It is simple, visual, intuitive, and can be accurately used with little to no training.'

Derrick used to spend 6 to 9 minutes just collecting and cross referencing lists on clipboards, but now he uses real-time updates to instantly know who is in danger, missing, and safe.


Account for Thousands of People in Under 5 Minutes

Self check-ins change the paradigm of a headcount by moving from a top-down one-way process with bottle necks, to a two-way instant update process.

Cut Your Headcount Time in Half

About half of your population will self check-in, freeing you up to make critical decisions and allocate resources.

Sample fire evacuation plan

Have Contingencies For Every Situation Out-of-the-Box

  • 3 methods to account for people in any emergency including active shooter, evacuations, and shelter-in-place.
  • 2 communication networks that work even when the voice network goes down.
  • Cloud services that work even when your on-site systems are down.
  • Offline mode allows app to work even when the cell towers are completely down.


Employees can reply to a text/email message to mark themselves 'safe' or 'in danger'

Employees can do this on site or off site, anywhere in the world.

Employees can mark themselves 'in danger' instantly, so you can rescue them faster.

Because each person can do that little amount of work to check themselves in at the exact same moment in time, they remove bottle necks and can drastically improve your headcount times.

  • Check-in from anywhere in the world - you are no longer constrained by needing to be at the same physical location
  • Removes the need to assemble to be accounted for, which is particularly an advantage in active shooter and terrorist situations where groups of people are targets
  • SMS check-in works on any type of phone, including flip phones

Leverage your existing employee badges to rapidly and accurately account for people at assembly points.

An employee can scan their badge to mark themselves 'safe'.

Headcount works with any badge system including HID and Prox

You can optionally purchase Headcount's mobile badge readers that are completely wireless, battery powered, and about the size of a phone - perfect for taking with you to an assembly point.

  • Scanning badges is faster than looking for people in a crowd
  • Scanning badges is more accurate than accounting for people manually

There are 3 different ways to account for people, so you are covered in any situation.

If someone does not have their phone or badge, simply mark them as safe inside the app with the push of a button.

All statuses are instantly syncronized to all permitted users of the app, anywhere in the world.

The Headcount app is designed to be simple and intuitive to use under the stress of an emergency.

Fire Evacuation Plan Maker


Co-Founder, CEO

Previously hired by Elon Musk at SpaceX to help build a high performant ERP system from scratch. SpaceX has been operating on this software product since 2011.

Co-Founder, CTO

Sample Fire Evacuation Plan

15 years experience building highly resilient enterprise software including spending time with Graeham at SpaceX where he optimized infrastructure to improve performance on a system responsible for delivering over $1 billion in annual revenue.


How Do I Download the App?

No download or installation necessary, just go to in Safari web browser on your iPhone or Chrome on Android / Windows / Mac

What If The Power Goes Out?

If the power goes out and on-site systems are down, Headcount will still be fully operational since it operates from the cloud.

What If The Cell Towers Go Down?

If the cell towers go down and local WiFi is not working, you will still be able to account for people in-person using Headcount.

The accountability process will be similar to paper rosters where a Group Leader will account for their people, then cross reference their roster with others to get the short list of people missing / in danger.

What If I’m Travelling, Working Remote, Working From Home, or On Vacation?

You can receive the email and SMS message and reply to it to mark yourself safe remotely

Your Group Leader will contact you, your manager, or your team to determine your location the best they can

How Much Does It Cost?

1000 times less than an OSHA fine if someone dies in an emergency

Fire Evacuation Plan Procedures

Less than what it saves in operational downtime by improving drill times

The exact price depends on the size of the organization and features you want. Contact a Headcount rep to get an exact price quote.

Does Everyone Need to Download The App?

No. Group Leaders need the app to account for people, but your general population does not need the app, they just need to be registered in the system via an import by the Headcount admin.

What If Employee Doesn’t Have Their Phone?

Fire Evacuation Plan Software For Mac Download

They can be accounted for in-person or by badge scan at assembly point.

Fire Evacuation Plan Software For Mac

How Do You Get Data Into Headcount?

Low Tech Option: email an Excel spreadsheet to Headcount’s automatic importer email address

High Tech Option: sync people data automatically from an HR, time management, access control, or visitor management system

What About Privacy?

Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is only used for the purpose of providing the emergency headcount process. No data is mined, sold, or marketed to. Specific details are in the privacy policy.

Is It Secure?

Absolutely. The software follows and exceeds many industry best practices. Headcount data is fully encrypted when being sent (“in motion”) and when being stored (“at rest”).

Fire Evacuation Plan Software For Mac

What happens if a Group Leader is out sick or on vacation - who accounts for their people?

Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan

Backups can be assigned to a person's roster. Also, anyone with permission to use the app can account for anyone in the emergency, regardless of assigment.