You can now play German Learner's Dictionary for PC on a desktop/laptop running Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and MacOS/OS X. This can easily be done with the help of BlueStacks or Andy OS Android emulator.
Spelling Corrector allows you to check spelling in several languages. It performs instantaneous spelling checking of the words you enter. You can perform spelling checking in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and many other languages. It uses Mac OS built-in dictionaries. On your Mac, choose Apple menu System Preferences, click Keyboard, then click Text. Do one of the following: Check spelling for one language: Click the Spelling pop-up menu, then choose the language. Check spelling for multiple languages: Click the Spelling pop-up menu, choose Set Up, select each language to check automatically, then click Done.
Learn German as a second language with Langenscheidt’s comprehensive German – German Dictionary.
Comprehensive German vocabulary with 60,680 entries, 66,000 words and phrases and over 63,000 example sentences. Learn German with Langenscheidt, Germany’s No. 1* dictionary publisher.
This app ist the digital equivalent of „Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache“.
• German – German entries
• Over 65,000 words and phrases
• Over 63,000 example sentences and over 30,000 word combinations to actively expand your vocabulary
• The latest German vocabulary from all walks of life
• Straightforward definitions of German words
• Comprehensive grammar und over 2,100 extra hints for correct usage
• Specifically designed with learners of German as a second language in mind
• Ideal language course companion
• Morphology module to translate words in any grammatical form (for Englisch, French, Spanish and Russian).
No internet connection required. The German dictionary app also works in flight mode and abroad without roaming fees.
Read-aloud functionality demonstrates the correct pronunciation of German words. This way, you learn and use German words quickly in everyday situations.
• Full text search
• Search for Anagrams
• Search within entries to narrow search results and search longer entries more quickly
• Placeholder search
• Search for similar words in case of incorrect spelling
Write words on the display instead of typing them. This makes searching easier and helps find German words more quickly.
German Spelling App For Mac Computer
User your microphone and speak the words you want to search for. This way you save time as opposed to having to type them. This is especially useful for words that you are unsure of how they are spelt.
Take a photo of the text you want to translate and find it with the help of Google Goggles.
German Spelling App For Macbook Pro

The simple copy-and-paste functionality allows you to copy German words and phrases from your browser or email to the clipboard. On opening the German dictionary app, the copied words are automatically translated.
The favourites list allows for quick access of German words you search for frequently: Save important words to your favourites for quick and easy access.
The search history displays the last 100 words you looked up: Access your last searches in the German dictionary by quick-access.
* according to market research institute Media Control GmbH, Langenscheidt ranks #1 in dictionary sales in Germany.
How to download and run German Learner's Dictionary on your PC and Mac
German Learner's Dictionary For PC can be easily installed and used on a desktop computer or laptop running Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and a Macbook, iMac running Mac OS X. This will be done using an Android emulator. To install German Learner's Dictionary For PC, we will use BlueStacks app player. The method listed below is set to help you get German Learner's Dictionary For PC. Go ahead and get it done now.
Download Links For German Learner's Dictionary:
Download: Bluestacks Android Emulator
Download: German Learner's Dictionary (Play Store)
More From Us: Guess the Logo: Brand Quiz For PC / Windows 7/8/10 / Mac – Free Download
Step to Step Guide / German Learner's Dictionary For PC:
- As you have Downloaded and Installed Bluestacks Emulator, from Links which are provided above.
- Now, After the installation, configure it and add your Google account.
- Once everything is done, just open the Market in Play Store and Search for the ‘German Learner's Dictionary’.
- Tap the first result and tap install.
- Once the installation is over, Tap the App icon in Menu to start playing.
- That’s all Enjoy!
See App in Play Store
Also Read: Mi Beauty Spot – SeneGence Shop For PC / Windows 7/8/10 / Mac – Free Download
That would be all from our side. In case you have got any queries or you have any issue following the guide, do let me know by leaving your thoughts in the comments section below.
Click here to return to the 'Set the spelling language in Pages' hint |
This works the same way the venerable MacWrite worked in its latest incarnations
I haven't played much with Pages, but what I have understood is that languages can be a property of styles. Hence you can have a style called 'body Swedish' and another one called 'body English' and then select among them when writing multi-lingual texts.
Having set the styles properly. The writing of multilingual documents becomes much less of a hazzle.
Yes, you can set the language in a style.
Probably even in a character style (so you can mix different language words in the same paragraph). Haven't tested this last one yet, though.
Ing. lic. G.E.A. Vansteelant
Lead Assessor
Most text editor (and layout programs) allow you to use the language like a style attribute. In contrast, the spellchecker in OS X, although working globally in all (Cocoa) apps, which is a nice feature, so far you could only set the language globally but independently from the system language.
It seems like Pages (and maybe Keynote 2) offer more customisation in that sense (but take their default from the system language and not from the language set for the global spellchecker).
My favourite feature of the OS X spellchecker however is the 'Multilingual' setting. It allows you to write in something like ten different languages and only if a word does not exist in any of them it gets marked (without constantly having to change the language setting). This catches basically all typos (though a couple of False Friends will be overlooked).
- Is the spell checking available for Unicode Right-to-Left Hebrew?
- Is anyone using Pages for doing Right to left language?
- Is it capable of it?
To me this is funny because the logic of your questions is bottom-to-top. You're asking: can it be done, is anyone doing it, what about spell-checking?
I wish I knew :-)
The problem is that I'd like to spellcheck Norwegian. Any other Cocoa-app gives me this opportunity using Cocoaspell.
Does this work in Pages? No! You're stuck with the standard languages supplied with the OS.
What I did was:
1. Create a new blank document
2. Press Apple+A to select all
3. Set the language in the Inspector > Text > More > Language to Nederlands (Dutch)
4. Save the document as a template (File > Save as Template) in My templates as 'Dutch Blank'
Now I just select this template if I want to make a Dutch document. Of course you can replace Dutch with your own language :)
hmmm does not seems to work with the Pages2 :(
iMac G4 1,25 Ghz, 768 MB RAM
Mac OS X 10.4.4
This is really easy, do the following to change the language:
1. Open a new blank document.
2. Press Cmd+A to do a Select All
3. Open Inspector (Alt+Cmd+I) and under the Text tab click on More
4. Change the language to your preferred one.
5. Do the same to the headers if you want to...
6. Go to File, save as template and save it as: 'Blank.template' (template is the file's extension) to your Desktop.
7. Go to the iWork folder where the Pages app is, and right-click (or ctrl-click) Pages, and select Show Package Contents, then go to Contents--> Resources--> Templates--> Blank and copy-paste your edited Desktop file to this folder (replace it).
8. DONE! Now when you open a new blank document, your language has been set!
I know this is an old post, but it saved my sanity. Thanks.